Tuesday, June 28, 2016

The most luxury plane in the world...


Kestral Aviation is the company you turn to when you want to buy a large aircraft. To modify this 787 (a plane fairly common passengers), Kestrel has hired the  Pierrejean Design Studios and Greenpoint Technologies.


The result is an apartment of 220 square meters with capacity for up to 39 people, although we doubt very much that the person who buys it wants to share it with so many people. In addition to the passenger area, which can be compared with the first class section of a conventional aircraft, the Dreamliner has a large meeting area, luxury suite with two-meter bed and spacious bathroom to give themselves a little shower before landing . The part of the easement is conveniently separated.

The autonomy of the plane is 17 hours, and its price is 325 million dollars. These are the photos of the interior, and we guarantee that you will want to get out of your seat in economy class.



Así es el avión de negocios más lujoso del mundo





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